Corp (Bring it ON!) Upgrades (this is the real key) Marcel DeSoleil (x3) Antiquated Interface Routines (x3) Agendas: Political Overthrow (x3) I have no intention of scoring these unless forced. Nodes: Government Contract (x2) To pay for installing, not rezzing. Information Laundering (x2) Basically a trap to lure the runner. Operations: New Blood (x2) Edgerunner, Inc., Temps (x2) Efficiency Experts (x7) ICE: Bug Zapper (x7) Jack Attack (x2) Canis Minor (x4) Canis Major (x8) 45 cards. (This is sort-of a one-trick-poney.) Once a fort is built with Bug Zapper on the inside and all the Dogs on the outside (maybe a Jack Attack to ensure big death), install Marcel and an Agenda or Node. Then let the Runner commit themselves and once they are in the loop, kill 'em deader than hell with Marcel looping them through Bug Zapper. Always add one more routine than the Runner can take just in case they try to pull Arasaka or some crap like that. Watch out for Forward's Legacy and Wild Card with this one! 0 to break wastes this whole deck in the blink of an eye! If the Runner has to pay even 1 bit to break a routine, you can generally discard more cards than they can pay bits for. Don't forget to count all the Runner's damage prevention assets since you must add all of the routines before they start breaking them. Two other little glitches: Microtech Trode Set (it happens...) and Simulacrum. That's not too many cards that shut this down outright. But hey, its fun on top of nasty! Try it out. SeeYa, Foolkiller