Rent Your Own War by Scott Sutter [Back] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Seen in a small businessman's magazine: Have you ever wanted to start a business, but was afraid of data raiders? Do you have a small corporation and want to wage a Corporate War, but you can't raise the necessary resources? Then we have an offer you can't refuse. For non-controlling interest, Arasaka can help you out. We'll supply the biggest and baddest ICE in existance. Rez them with our Rent To Own Contract option to keep out runners and if you can't meet the payment, we'll modify the term length of the contract. Store your resources in our Virus Test Site, until you are ready for that war. At that time our Falsified Transactions Experts will transfer those resources into a winning war effort. As you grow we profit. Scott Sutter - 1998 ----------------------------------------------------- The Deck * Agenda o 6x Corporate War * Ice o 7x Haunting Inquistions o 3x Liche o 3x Colonel Failure o 3x Wall of Ice o 2x Toughonium Wall * Operations o 8x Rent To Own Contract o 4x Falsified Transactions Expert o 3x Offsite Backups * Nodes o 6x Virus Test Site * Upgrades o - none - The inspirations for this deck are Matthias Nagy's "Employee SuperEmpowerment" and Sebastian Schweyen's "Come and Get It". The premise is to store advancement counters on Virus Test Site and move them to the Corporate War by the Falsified Transactions Expert. Corporate War was chosen due to the three difficulty for three agenda point ratio, that the Falsified Transactions Expert only transfers three counters, and the drawback does not affect this deck.The Virus Test Site was used because it could be rezzed for zero during a run for a surprise effect. While adding Vacant Soulkiller and Experimental AI would have added more suprise and unpredictability to the runner from the deck, this deck almost always does not have the two bits to rez them on the runner's turn. People have told me that they are uneasy about having no bits, but I take comfort in being protected by the strongest and nastiest ICE in the game. Depending on the card draw, I try to install as many ICE as possible as soon as possible. In the late game the ice cannot be installed deeper than four due to the installation cost. Deck Comparions This deck is unaffected by Taxman/Credit Subversion stacks. Edited Shipping Manifests from TagMe is mainly useless against this deck, because of the cost of running HQ and often there is not one bit in HQ. Bozomatic is hurt by the net damage from the installed and uninstalled Virus Test Sites. Ice destruction is effective, because there is no way to rez ice except for Rent To Own Contract. Precision Bribery/Time To Collect stacks are effeective in slowing down this deck, but if faced with one leave one Rent To Own Contract in HQ and one unrezed ICE on the Subsidiary Data Fort created on the first turn. Against HYHADIARS, I recommend rezzing ICE as soon as possible and installing deep ice on R+D, HQ, and Archives. If you have enough big ICE rezzed, three Loans From Chiba may not be enough bits for Bartmoss to brake everything.